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Boston Luxury Condos for Sale and Rent

 Boston Seaport condo sales data 2023

Below you’ll find condo sales statistics for the Boston Seaport District area, updated in real-time from the Boston Multi-listing service. The graphs below track key market data, including closed sales, active listings, median price, new listings, median days on-site, inventory, sale price ratios, and more. You can also access all these market trends for each of our featured downtown Boston neighborhoods.

If you have questions or would like more detailed information, please let us know and contact a Boston Seaport Realtor – Janet at 617.721.9504. We’re happy to provide information on recently sold properties, disclosures on current listings for sale, or anything else we can help you with.

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Boston Luxury Condos for Sale


Boston Luxury Condos for Sale and Rent