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Boston luxury condos for sale

How many Boston Midtown high rise condo hoarders are there? The reality is that getting an accurate count of the number of people in downtown Boston who hoard is impossible know. While ultimately a hoarder’s activities eventually come to light, many people who hoard are doing so without others really knowing what is going on in their lives. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that between 700,000 and 1.4 million people suffer from what is known as hoarding disorder.

You may have discovered recently that you have a hoarder in your own life. For example, you may have a family member who has made the decision or has the need to sell his or her Charles River Park condo, perhaps in desperation, may have reached out to you for assistance. In doing so, your family member may have “outed” his or her self as a hoarder. The individual who sought your assistance first and foremost needs to address the issues surrounding hoarding before any attempt can be made to place his or her Boston Beacon Hill condo for sale.

Understanding Hoarding Disorder

Hoarding is classified as a mental health condition, according to the world-renowned Mayo Clinic. At its essence, hoarding disorder is the accumulation of items, including objects no value. In addition to the excessive accumulation of objects, a person with this mental health condition has an overwhelming inability to part with items. As time progresses, a hoarder’s Boston luxury condo gradually becomes unlivable. When hoarding disorder progresses, only through the intervention of different professionals is it possible to aid the hoarder and help the individual recover and restore the premises to a livable condition.

Attacking a Hoard and Making a Home Salable

There are a number of phases associated with addressing hoarding in order to get Boston condo for sale. The first phase is dealing with the accumulated items comprising the hoard itself. In some cases, addressing a hoard as a preamble to selling a Boston condo for sale occurs because a family member died. If that is the case, the process is a bit easier because the individual with hoarding disorder is not around.

If the hoarder is alive, he or she needs to be involved in the hoarder cleanup process itself. A hoarder cleanup professional understands the tactics to be employed and how and where to access other supportive resources to assist a person with hoarding disorder work through the process.

Ultimately, the items are segregated into distinct categories:

  • Keep
  • Sell
  • Giveaway
  • Donate
  • Throwaway

In most hoarding situations, the throwaway category will be (and should be) the largest.

Due to health and hygienic needs, the next phase in the process of reclaiming a residence is sanitation. (This will be discussed in further detail in regard to pet or animal hoarding.) The next phase is deodorization. Persistent foul odors and eliminating them can prove to be a major issue when hoarding occurs.

If hoarding has advanced to a more serious state, there will be the need for repairs to the physical aspects of the Boston midtown condo itself. These repairs are likely to include damage to the walls, plumbing problems, and electrical issues. Indeed, the repair and restoration work that might need to be done in the aftermath of hoarding can be profound and costly. Nonetheless, this work is necessary in order to get the residence of a hoarder to habitable state.


Hoarder cleanup can seem overwhelming – because it oftentimes is a tremendously challenging undertaking. In the end, the surest way to eliminate the results of hoarding is to engage professional assistance. This can include professionals ranging from a mental health professional to a hoarder property cleanup specialist to a contractor adept home repair. Hoarder cleanup truly is a team effort.